
Training courses are aimed at raising awareness among warehouse workers about potential risks when working with storage equipment.

Royal Decree RD 1215/1997 states that one of employer’s obligations is training their workers.

It thus meets the legal requirement for training and information about the use, risks and safety of the storage equipment that employees have over workers.

Formación seguridad en sistemas de almacenaje

Are you looking for Training?

We train your team to reduce operational risks in warehouses.

Objective and benefits

  • Our training courses give support to our customer’s prevention services helping them to transmit the importance of health and safety related to racking and storage equipment.

  • We also transmit best practices with the racking, raise the awareness about risks when working with storage equipment, as well as explain the limitations when modifying the configuration of a racking installation.

  • One objective of the training courses is to provide our customers with the competent persons indicated in the norm EN 15635 to be able to perform functions related to the security, use and maintenance. Customers win in autonomy to execute their own visual inspections and basic maintenance works.