The inspection of industrial racking and storage equipment must be systematic and periodic if we want to reduce the risk of accidents in our warehouse.

Keeping industrial racking in perfect condition not only prevents accidents and potential financial losses but also ensures the continuity of warehouse operations. Therefore, it is essential to conduct regular inspections, following best practices and complying with current regulations. Below, we explain what a racking inspection is, how often it should be carried out, and how to do it properly.

What is the inspection of industrial racking?

A racking inspection involves the systematic review of all the components that make up a metal storage system (beams, uprights, diagonals, base plates, anchors, protectors, etc.). The goal is to detect potential defects (dents, deformations, oxidation, loose bolts, etc.) before they become serious risks to both personnel and merchandise.

It is important to implement a proper periodic maintenance and inspection program covering the following aspects:

  • Loose bolts.
  • Unsecured racks.
  • Materials damaged or weakened by corrosion.
  • Structural solidity.
  • Tidiness and cleanliness of stored materials: periodic cleaning should be carried out or immediately after any incident that causes a spill.
  • Any deformed element must be replaced after receiving a significant impact.

The main structural elements that should be inspected include:

  • The impact of damage on any part of the structure, especially on uprights and beams.
  • Any failure in the vertical alignment of uprights.
  • The conditions and effectiveness of all components, especially the upright base and the beam-upright connection.
  • Cracks in welds or in areas near welds.
  • The condition of the building floor.
  • How loads are placed on pallets.
  • The placement of load accessories on the racking and on the floor.
  • Ensuring the rack has been installed according to the assembly instructions.

Other elements to verify include:

  • Safety plates are present and up to date.
  • No overloaded positions.
  • Stability of the load unit is satisfactory.
  • Load unit dimensions are correct.

Why are regular inspections so important?

  1. Worker safety: Racking stability and preventing collapses are vital for the safety of warehouse personnel.
  2. Avoiding product losses: An accident caused by a rack defect can lead to significant costs in damaged goods.
  3. Regulatory compliance: In Europe, Standard UNE-EN 15635 sets guidelines for the inspection and maintenance of storage systems. Inspection agencies and internal audits also require proof of periodic checks.
  4. Infrastructure longevity: Proper inspection and maintenance extend the service life of the racking and save money on unnecessary repairs or replacements.

When should industrial racking be inspected?

The extent and frequency of inspections depend on many factors in each facility and must be determined by the Person Responsible for Storage Equipment Safety (PRSES). However, the following guidelines are generally recommended:

  • Daily or weekly inspections
    Warehouse personnel can perform quick visual checks, verifying the alignment of the racks, the absence of visible deformations, and the condition of the anchors.
  • Monthly or quarterly inspections
    These can be performed by an internal manager with specific training. Minor damage is noted, and corrective actions are taken immediately where needed (e.g., replacing damaged parts, reinforcing anchors, etc.).
  • Annual inspection by a qualified professional
    In Europe, Standard UNE-EN 15635 recommends an annual evaluation by a racking expert (a qualified technical inspector). This professional reviews all components of the storage system in greater detail and issues a report indicating the level of risk found (low, medium, or high), along with recommendations for corrective actions.

How is the inspection carried out?

The PRSES must ensure periodic visual inspections (daily, weekly, or monthly), always based on a risk assessment. If anyone detects a safety issue or a break, they must immediately inform the PRSES so that corrective measures can be taken. In addition, it is crucial to maintain a damage report that records the date of each incident, the nature of the damage, the corrective actions taken, and the date of the repair, to ensure thorough monitoring of the racking’s integrity.

Furthermore, the annual inspection must be carried out by a competent technician within a period not exceeding 12 months. This specialized assessment can last from one day to several days, depending on the size and type of storage system. At ITE® Inspección Técnica de Estanterías, we adapt to the operation of each warehouse, minimizing disruption and working with racking from any manufacturer to ensure maximum safety and efficiency.

If you would like to learn more about our racking inspection methodology, feel free to visit the link.

At ITE® Inspección Técnica de Estanterías, we have a specialized technical team of experts in the inspection and validation of industrial racking. We can help you maintain the safety of your facilities and make the most of them, while complying with current legislation and regulations. Contact us for more information!